ERROR 2541 - Mail loop prevention
When you setup an e-mail to SMS gateway, you might receive the following error message: "ERROR 2541: This e-mail will be not sent as SMS to prevent SMS loops remove the SMS/REPORT tag from the subject line."
This error message happens if you have the [SMS] tag or the [REPORT] tag in the subject line of the downloaded e-mail.
When the Ozeki software sends a message it returns status reports in e-mail to the sender e-mail address about the delivered message. Status report e-mails contain information such as when the message was delivered to the mobile network, or when the message was delivered to the mobile handset. These status report emails have the [REPORT] tag in the subject line. If a status report e-mail is downloaded by the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway software for sending from a mailbox, it will not be sent due to this [REPORT] tag.
This loop prevention feature is included, because it is quite frequent, that the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway software is configured in a way to take messages from a mailbox for delivery, and to deliver the status reports to the same mailbox.
The [SMS] tag is used in a similar way. It is used for incoming messages. If a message comes in the e-mail user can forward it to a mailbox as an e-mail message. When it composes the e-mail message, it includes the [SMS] tag in the subject line. This is very useful, because it the same mailbox is used for outgoing messages, no conflict will happen, since incoming SMS messages will not be sent.
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