Yahoo mail to SMS and SMS to Yahoo mail Configuration
You can read a step-by-step guide on how to configure the Yahoo mail to forward the incoming emails to Ozeki NG E-mail user and how to receive email notifications from your incoming SMS messages to your Yahoo mailbox.
Yahoo mail to SMS configuration
The Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway can periodically download incoming e-mail messages from your Yahoo mail POP3 account. The downloaded e-mail messages will be forwarded by SMS to a specified phone number. The subject line of the e-mail can also contain telephone numbers.
Ozeki NG - POP3 settings in the E-mail user:
- POP3 Server:
- Port: 110
- POP3 Username: your login name
- POP3 Password: your password
- SSL: unchecked
If you wish to use SSL your port number will be 995 instead of 110.
SMS to Yahoo mail configuration
If an SMS message arrives in the Ozeki NG, it can be forwarded to your Yahoo e-mail address.
Ozeki NG - SMTP settings in the E-mail user:
- SMTP Server:
- SMTP Port: 25
- My SMTP server requires authentication.
- SMTP Username: your login name
- SMTP Password: your password
- Use this e-mail address as the sender address:
The SMTP server doesn't require SSL connection.
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