Ozeki SMS Gateway - General information about the software

Does the software run as a Windows Service?

Yes, the software runs as a windows service in the background.

The advantage of this is that you do not have to log into the computer to have the software running. Another advantage is that if the server is rebooted the service will start automatically.

The software runs as a windows service by default. Is there a way to run it as an application?

Yes, there is.

You can use a command shell (cmd.exe) and run the software with the /run command line argument from the program files/Ozeki directory. You would issue the following command to run the software in application mode: "C:\Program Files\Ozeki\OzekiNG - SMS Gateway>OzekiNG.exe /run"

What kind of user interface is available for Ozeki NG SMS Gateway?

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway comes with a web based user interface. It can be accessed from a webbrowser.

The recommended webbrowsers are: Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0 or later versions. To access the user interface of the software you need to type the "" URL into your browser. This will bring up the login screen, where you can log in with the default username and password.

What is the default username and password?

Username: admin
Password: abc123

It is strongly recommended to change the default password immediately after installation.

Can I access the web based user interface remotely?

Yes, you can access the user interface from your LAN or from the Internet. Please note that remote access might require you to change your firewall settings.

To access the user interface remotely you can use a web browser. To connect, you need to type the URL of the GUI into the address bar. When you type the URL ( on a remote computer, you must change the "" address, to the IP address (or the hostname) of the computer where the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is installed to. For example you can type "" if your Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is installed to a computer that has an IP address of

If you have a DNS server and you create a DNS "A" record that points to your public IP address, you can use the DNS name. For example if your DNS entry "smsgateway.mydomain.com" points to "", you can type http://smsgateway.mydomain.com:9501 into your webbrowser to access the user interface of Ozeki NG SMS Gateway.

It might be possible, that you don't want to run the built in webserver of Ozeki NG SMS Gateway on port 9501. In this case, you need to open the "Client connectivity" tab of the "Edit/Server preferences" form in the Ozeki NG user interface, and you need to change the port 9501. If you change this port to 80, which is the default HTTP port, you can access the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway's user interface without entering a port number into the URL in your webserver. For example, you can type:, or or http://smsgateway.mydomain.com.

If the Ozeki NG login screen does not come up, the most probable reason, is that your firewall is blocking remote access to port 9501 of the computer, where the Ozeki NG SMS gateway is installed to.

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