Sample ASP script for SMS Order System
The following script is called by Ozeki NG when a new SMS message arrives. The script processes the text of the incoming SMS messages and creates an SQL INSERT statement that is used to place a record into the orders database table. This script is an attachment of the ASP SMS Order System case study.
The script should be saved into the following director:
C:\Program Files\Ozeki\OzekiNG - SMS Gateway\config\ordersystem\sample.aspx
<%@ Page Language="C#"%> <%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %> <% //************************************************************ //Copy the properties of the incoming SMS into local variables //************************************************************ string sender = Request.QueryString["sender"]; string receiver = Request.QueryString["receiver"]; string messagedata = Request.QueryString["messagedata"]; string messageid = Request.QueryString["messageid"]; string messagetype = Request.QueryString["messagetype"]; string senttime = Request.QueryString["senttime"]; string receivedtime = Request.QueryString["receivedtime"]; string serviceprovider = Request.QueryString["operatornames"]; //************************************************************ //Process incoming message //example: "Order: Lipton 1 box, Nescafe 2 box, Sugar 10 kg"; //************************************************************ bool messageFormatOk = true; string columnames = ""; string values = ""; string sql = ""; //messagedata = "Order: Lipton 1 box, Nescafe 2 box, Sugar 10 kg"; messagedata = messagedata.ToLower(); if (messagedata.StartsWith("order:")) messagedata = messagedata.Substring(6); try { string[] items = messagedata.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }); for (int x = 0; x < items.Length; x++) { string[] itementry = items[x].Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2); string itemname = itementry[0]; string itemquantity = itementry[1]; if ((itemname == "lipton") || (itemname == "nescafe") || (itemname == "sugar")) { if (columnames.Length > 0) columnames += ","; columnames += itemname; if (values.Length > 0) values += ","; values += "'" + itemquantity + "'"; } else { //invalid item name messageFormatOk = false; } } if ((columnames.Length > 0) && (messageFormatOk)) { sql = "INSERT INTO orders (shop,orderdate," + columnames + ") " + "VALUES ('"+sender+"',getdate()," + values + ")"; } } catch { messageFormatOk = false; } //************************************************************ //Connect to the database and insert the record //************************************************************ if (messageFormatOk) { string sServer = ".\\SQLEXPRESS"; string sUser="ozekiuser"; string sPwd="ozekipass"; string sDB="ozeki"; string sConStr = "Server="+sServer+";User ID=" + sUser + ";"+ "password=" + sPwd + ";Database=" + sDB +";Persist Security Info=True"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = sConStr; conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = sql; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } //************************************************************ //create the response message(s) in the following format: // //************************************************************ string respmsg = ""; if (messageFormatOk) { respmsg = "Your order has been accepted at " + receivedtime; } else { respmsg = "Invalid format. Please send you order again. Correct "+ "format example: Lipton 1 box, Nescafe 2 box, Sugar 10 kg"; } string destnum = sender; string resptype = "SMS:TEXT"; string resp = "{"+resptype+"}{}{}{"+destnum+"}{"+respmsg+"}"; Response.Write(resp); %> |
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