Simple SMS Marketing Guide

Despite all the ongoing advancements in technology and communication, the surprisingly simple text message remains a remarkably powerful tool for digital marketers, no matter the size of your company. In today's fast-moving digital world, SMS marketing offers a direct and effective way to connect with your audience. Mastering SMS marketing is not just about sending texts, it is about knowing how to use this often overlooked channel strategically to stand out from competitors and reach more people. This guide will delve into essential strategies and best practices to help you fully utilize SMS marketing for your business.

SMS marketing with Ozeki NG SMS Gateway

This diagram shows how the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway works for SMS marketing. The gateway can send messages using two methods: via a GSM modem connected through USB, or over the internet using various protocols. The GSM modem sends SMS directly to mobile phones through cell towers. The internet method uses IP SMS to send messages through a server to cell towers, which then deliver the SMS to mobile phones. The gateway helps with SMS marketing by offering automation, customizable APIs, scheduled messages, and bulk messaging. Automation sends messages automatically, saving time. Customizable APIs let it work with other software. Scheduled messages send at set times, and bulk messaging sends many messages at once. These features make managing SMS marketing easier.

sms marketing
Figure 1 - SMS marketing with Ozeki NG SMS Gateway

What is SMS?

SMS, or Short Message Service, is a fundamental mobile network feature enabling brief text exchanges between phones. These messages, usually capped at 160 characters, offer a reliable and convenient communication method independent of internet access.

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing utilizes text messaging for targeted customer outreach. Businesses can send promotional offers, appointment confirmations, or urgent updates directly to a customer's mobile phone. This direct channel boasts high open rates and instant delivery, making it a powerful tool to connect and engage with your audience.

Using Ozeki for SMS marketing

Here you can find the features and other advantages of Ozeki that could help you build your SMS marketing campaign and make your overall communication better and more efficient:

sms marketing with ozeki
Figure 2 - Ozeki for SMS marketing

Advantages of SMS marketing

Massive Audience: SMS messaging is simple to use, so it works on almost any phone, even without fancy features. This lets you reach a huge number of people – over 8 out of 10 mobile phone users around the world! Because it is so easy, people use text messages all the time, making them a great way to connect with a broad audience.

Instant delivery: With SMS marketing, your message has a near perfect chance of being seen. Since people carry their phones everywhere and check them often, text messages are likely to be read right away, grabbing your customer's attention quickly.

Person-to-Person connection: SMS messages are short and to the point, creating a more personal feel for your communication with customers. This can help build stronger relationships with your brand and encourage customers to respond to your message quickly.

High engagement: Unlike some marketing methods where people rarely click on things, SMS marketing can get much higher engagement. Up to 36% of people who receive your text message might click on a link or take some other action you ask them to do. This means your message is not just being seen, it is getting results!

Types of SMS marketing


Imagine sending a quick announcement to everyone in a crowded room. Broadcast messages function similarly in SMS marketing. These texts reach your entire subscriber list at once, making them ideal for sharing information relevant to everyone. Think of them as announcements for exciting promotions, special offers, upcoming holidays, or event details.


Unlike broadcasts, targeted messages are like personalized whispers delivered to specific groups within your subscriber base. This personalization is achieved through segmentation, where you divide your larger list into smaller groups based on various factors. For instance, you could create separate lists for premium service users and basic service users, tailoring messages to their specific needs. Going beyond segmentation, you can personalize messages based on individual purchase history, recommending relevant products based on past purchases. This targeted approach fosters a more personal connection with your customers.

Engaging offers:

Engaging offers in SMS marketing serve a similar purpose, sparking customer interest and driving action. This can be achieved through coupons, special offers, or even exciting contests. Coupons with limited-time discounts or "while supplies last" promotions create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to act quickly. Giveaways and contests are another way to boost customer engagement and interaction with your brand. By incorporating these engaging offers into your SMS marketing strategy, you can effectively motivate your audience to take action.

Goals of SMS marketing

Brand building:

SMS marketing goes beyond just sending out messages. It is a powerful tool for building strong connections with your customers. By sending personalized messages directly to their phones, you can create positive interactions that make your brand memorable. Over time, these fosters trust and loyalty, keeping your customers engaged with your brand.

Measurable ROI:

One of the great things about SMS marketing is that you can easily measure its impact on your business. These campaigns are designed to drive sales through promotions like special offers, discounts, and exclusive deals. By tracking key metrics like how many people respond to your offers (conversion rates), how much they spend (sales volume), and your overall revenue, you can see the real-world results of your SMS marketing efforts.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

To get the most out of your SMS marketing, it is important to set clear goals from the beginning. These goals, called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), should be specific to your business and something you can track over time. For example, you might aim to increase sales by 10% through SMS marketing within a specific period. By tracking your KPIs, you gain valuable insights into how well your campaigns are performing and can make informed decisions on how to improve your strategy for the future.

Customer engagement

Customer engagement in SMS marketing goes beyond just sending messages. It is about creating a two-way conversation with your audience. By sending relevant content, special offers, and even interactive campaigns (like polls or contests), you can encourage customers to actively participate with your brand. This engagement fosters a sense of connection and keeps your brand top-of-mind. Over time, this can lead to stronger customer loyalty and satisfaction, as they feel valued and involved with your business.

Enhancing customer experience

SMS marketing offers a powerful tool to elevate your customer service. Imagine sending quick and efficient updates on orders, appointment reminders, or service notifications directly to your customer's phone. This not only keeps them informed but also provides a convenient way to access important information. SMS can also be used to answer simple customer questions or offer troubleshooting tips, streamlining the support process and creating a more positive overall customer experience.

Lead generation

Lead generation is another key benefit of SMS marketing. By offering incentives like discounts or early access to promotions for opting-in to your text message list, you can capture valuable leads and expand your customer database. Additionally, you can encourage subscriptions to receive updates or notifications tailored to specific interests. This continuous growth in your audience fuels future marketing efforts and provides a solid foundation for your business to grow. By strategically using SMS marketing to generate leads, you can reach new customers and support long-term business expansion.

How to build a campaign using SMS marketing?

Setting your course: Goals and audience

  • Before you start your SMS marketing campaign, take a moment to plan ahead. First, set clear goals. Do you want to boost brand awareness, increase sales, or enhance customer service? Defining your objectives will shape how you design your campaign strategy. Next, understand your audience! Who are you targeting? Knowing their demographics, preferences, and what type of messages resonate with them is crucial for creating content that grabs their attention.

Building your crew: Opt-In and audience

  • Your SMS campaign depends on having an engaged audience. Remember, you can only send messages to those who have agreed to receive them! To build your audience, offer incentives such as discounts or exclusive content for people to subscribe to your text message list. Make sure the opt-in process is straightforward and accessible for them to join.

Crafting your message

  • When crafting your SMS, simplicity is key! SMS messages have limits, so focus on clear and concise communication with a strong call to action (CTA) directing them on what to do next. Emojis can add personality but use them sparingly. Whenever possible, personalize your messages to increase their impact.

Timing is everything: Delivery and analysis

  • Be mindful of timing! Schedule your messages for times when your audience is likely to be receptive. Avoid sending texts too early in the morning or late at night. Once your campaign is live, monitor and analyse your results! Metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates will show you what is effective and what needs adjustment. Use this information to refine your strategy and make future campaigns even more successful.

Why should you use Ozeki NG SMS Gateway for SMS marketing?

Control and flexibility:

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway provides complete control and flexibility with its on-premise solution. By installing the software on your own server, you have full autonomy over your SMS marketing setup, ideal for customizing campaigns and ensuring security.

Reliable delivery:

Ozeki NG ensures reliable message delivery by connecting to multiple mobile networks simultaneously. This redundancy is crucial for ensuring messages reach recipients promptly and consistently, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Two-way messaging:

With Ozeki NG's two-way messaging, you can actively engage customers by allowing them to respond directly to your texts. This opens up opportunities for interactive marketing strategies where you can have real conversations with your audience. Whether it is gathering feedback, providing customer support, or running polls, two-way messaging helps you build stronger relationships and increase engagement with your customers.


Ozeki NG makes your life easier with its automation features. You can schedule tasks such as sending appointment reminders, order updates, or promotional messages ahead of time. This saves you valuable time and ensures that your communications are always on point and delivered promptly. By automating routine tasks, you can focus more on strategic aspects of your SMS marketing campaigns, improving efficiency and overall effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does SMS marketing work?

In SMS marketing, businesses gather phone numbers from customers who are interested. Then, they send specific messages directly to these customers' mobile phones. People agree to get these messages, which keeps everything legal and follows the rules.

What are the regulations for SMS marketing?

Rules for SMS marketing change depending on the country, but usually, businesses need permission from people before they send marketing texts. They also have to offer a way for people to stop getting these texts if they want to, and they must follow laws that protect people's information.

How do I build a subscriber list for SMS marketing?

To build a list of people who want to get your SMS messages, businesses can offer rewards like discounts or special content when customers agree to join. It is really important to get permission from them before you start sending marketing messages. This way, you make sure people are interested and willing to hear from you.


Even in today's fast-changing tech world, the basic text message remains a powerful tool for digital marketers, no matter how big or small their business. SMS marketing offers a straightforward way to connect directly with your audience. It is not just about sending messages, it is about using this often underestimated method strategically to stand out and reach more people than ever. This guide will show you key strategies and tips to help you make the most of SMS marketing for your business, boosting engagement and growth.

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